Thursday, November 14, 2019

Cyberbullying Writing

This is my cyberbullying writing I did for my test.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

My Digital Writing Book

This is my digital writing book
We do all of our writing tasks on here.

My Digital Reading Book

This is my digital reading book.
We do my ten new words and their meaning , word of the week and ITTM on here.
Our class is going digital and now we do our reading tasks online

Monday, September 9, 2019

My Ten New Words And Their Meaning

In this activity I learnt to find the definition, synonyms and a sentence for each word.
I found it hard to make up a sentence for each word.
I liked how we get to learn 10 new words each week.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

My Science Project

This is my science project.
I got chosen from my school to go to the regional science fair.
My project got silver and I won 10 dollars.


Thursday, August 22, 2019

My Writing The Short Cut, Continuing The Story

The Short Cut 
Elliot's mum was concerned about taking the short cut because she was not familiar with it. But Elliot trusted the wise old bakery man so he pleaded his case and his mum finally agreed to take the short cut. They ventured on without a doubt. They took the back road just like the man said. Elliot's mum had a gut feeling that this wasn't right. The road was just dirt no houses to be seen. But they cant be concerned they trusted the old man, well at least they thought they did. He didn't warn us about anything, no slips no animals so it must be safe. They carried on down the mysterious dirt road and they could see a change in scenery.

 They caught a glimpse of a pine tree forest in the distance. They continued. The anxious feeling had now moved on. Elliot was gazing out the window at all the pretty pine trees. He wouldn't stop talking about how he could make tree houses in all of these trees. They came across these animals but the bakery man said there were none. “How could he lie to us”. Elliot exclaimed. The animal was an Elk “ They looked dangerous,” Elliot said. All of a sudden the most massive Elk came charging at our car. Fear took over their bodies. They were stunned, what could happen, so many thoughts were going on in there heads. The elk reached there car it came right up its front legs in the air. Smash right through the windscreen!

 Elliot's mum was in shock, she covered her face. There were ear piercing screams that vibrated around the car. Scrapes and bruises started to appear on both elliot and his mum. Their vision was blurry it looked like all the trees were closing in. Elliot's mum let go of the steering wheel, the car started going syco. Just as they snapped back to reality their car went tipping over the edge of the grand canyon. Shreakes of horror filled the canyon. This is it, it's all over. Their car landed and smashed into bits. Elliot and his mum only lived to see a giant elk charging at them. Eliot's life long dream had in a way came true.
 By Jasmine

Thursday, August 15, 2019

My Homelessness Speech

I liked how my speech had real and true facts in it.
I chose my speech on homelessness because I feel it is a big issue in most countries.
I think I spoke clearly in my speech and my friends said I really defined the topic I chose.
I think I need to work on more hand gestures.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Blog Commenting

We have been learning how to do a sensible comment on other people's blog.
I like how we can give advice.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Thursday, June 13, 2019

X Factor Audition Narrative

Here is my X factor audition narrative writing.
I liked writing this because you can be in the moment.
I think it was kind of hard because i'm not the best at being descriptive.

Polyline Drawing Of Me.

This is a picture of me I did it using polyline and tracing over my picture. 
It was cool because I learnt how to trace.
I found it a bit hard to get my facial features right.